The Root Cause Analysis Algorithm Design Incorporated with Analytic Hierarchy Process for Software Application Error
Software application normally comes along with its event logging feature today. However, with only the software application event log would be hard to determine the root cause if the error occurs beyond the software application boundary. In such circumstance, the time duration of conducting the root cause analysis activity will be easily prolonged. In order to identify the root cause more effectively, multiple event log files from different boundaries that are involved with software application such as Operating System, Networking, Middleware, Database Management System and etc are required. Therefore it will add additional complexity to the root cause analysis process. With such challenge, a new analysis approach is proposed. This new analysis approach is a logic model incorporated with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). It will be sitting at the logic tier to conduct the analysis without interferes the existing software application. The objectives of the logic model is not only to mitigate the time duration prolonging on root cause analysis activity. It is also to increase the accuracy of identifying the actual root cause during analysis activity. Furthermore, this proposed logic model contributes the new knowledge of analysis approach which helps to close the existing knowledge gap in AHP, that can be applied for software application root cause analysis.
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