
This paper presents an evaluation and analysis of the deployment of green communication technology in Nigeria. Most base stations in Nigeria uses diesel generators to power their Cell Sites, this has been identified as a problem if not checked because it will continue to add to the Carbon dioxide emission in the atmosphere and hence the depletion of the ozone layer. Green Communication Technology was proposed to solve this problem. Energy deployed are photovoltaic and wind turbine (PV/WT) energy while diesel generator (DG) will still be used as a backup. With the use of hybrid technology (PV/WT/DG), carbon emission will be reduced by 70% or more, efficiency will be achieved.. The results obtained from this research work are based on economics cost, efficiency, power outputs per year and carbon emissions. , in terms of efficiency the DG only system has a mean efficiency output of 8.18% and mean efficiency of 25% while the proposed system has a mean efficiency output of 14.8% and a mean efficiency of 27.5% for PV and 21.3% of WT, electrical production of DG only is 119439kWh/yr while Hybrid Systems (HBS) has electricity production of 124,488kWh/yr, base on life cycle DG only system operate for 3yr and max of 8yrs while HBS operate for 25yrs above, the carbon emissions for DG only system for CO2, CO, NO2 are 75,033, 473, 444kg/yr respectively and HBS for CO2, CO, NO2 is 264, 1.79 and 2.04kg/yr respectively. From the result obtained it can be concluded that the proposed system is better than the existing system, therefore, it can be recommended for GSM operators in Nigeria and  any developing nation.


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