A Comparative Study of a Client Based Vendor Neutral Cloud QoS Monitoring Tool and Cloud Providers’ Platform Integrated QoS Monitoring Tools
Cloud service providers have a QoS monitoring capability integrated in their cloud platforms. This is to aid in monitoring the performance of the platform as well as for Service Level Agreement confirmation to the clients. Unfortunately this arrangement serves the interest of the cloud provider more than the cloud client since the service providers gauge their services using their own tools. This paper performs a comparative study on the capabilities of the client based vendor neutral QoS tool, developed from a vendor neutral QoS monitoring model against the cloud provider integrated QoS monitoring tools. The comparison was done on four global SaaS cloud service providers, namely SalesForce, Google, Hubspot and Shopify. From the comparative study, it emerged that the client based vendor neutral tool has more capabilities than the cloud provider integrated tools since it has the capability to monitor three key QoS metrics, namely service response time, service availability and service stability as opposed to the cloud providers’ tools which only have one quantitative capability. Further the vendor neutral model can be used across any cloud platform that is accessible via the web browser. This provides a capability for cross platform performance comparison for the various cloud providers. This can aid in decision making with regards to which cloud service provider to procure based on the desired performance.
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