A Prescriptive Analytical Logic Model Design for Software Application Error Analysis Using The Top-Down Design Approach
There are many causes would lead to the software application crashes or unstable stage. In the event that this circumstance happens, the software applications will never able to log error event correctly into their error log files. Hence, if the root cause analysis is solely depending on software application error log files, it is insufficient to identify the actual error accurately. This is the good opportunity and potential to introduce Prescriptive Analytical Logic Model (PAL) under the proposed methodology. In summary, the contributions of PAL under the proposed methodology are: (1) Literature review indicates that there is “future work” of Murínová, J (2015) in the log file analysis to enable better comparison and troubleshooting capabilities. This is a potential area where the log file analysis technique can be incorporated with AHP approach. (2) Since there is no published article showing that AHP had been applied to software application error analysis, and therefore the proposed research is to fill up the “knowledge gap” in this area.
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