
The results of examination of the condition of the heart using an electrocardiograph are generally presented in an ecg paper. Using ecg paper because in the paper there are boxes that are used as guidelines for calculating wave amplitude and wave duration. If the required amplitude is information on peak amplitude and wave morphology information, then the duration is information on the value of segment duration, interval duration, and heart rate. As is known in the ECG paper the results of the examination that only some information is presented, so information that does not yet exist must be calculated manually using existing boxes. This manual calculation requires time and accuracy, so that this waiting time can cause the patient's disease stage to increase, and on the other hand that the lack of accuracy of the calculation can cause misdiagnosis. This study aims to provide information on clinical standard cardiac examination results using Electrocardiograph discrete (ECGd) and standard Electrocardiograph (ECGs). In ECGd, the leads of the heart signal are sampled at a frequency of 250 Hz so that it becomes discrete data. Maximum filtering on 1.6 mV treshold data discrete peak R is obtained in each cycle. The PQRST algorithm method is used to get the PQST peak and duration parameters. The results showed that the percentage of the amount of information from the ECGd examination was 82.4% while the results of the ECGs examination were 25.4%


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