
Consider an increasingly growing field of research, Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is to form a direct channel of communication between a computer and the brain. However, extracting features of random time-varying EEG signals and their classification is a major challenge that faces current BCI. This paper proposes a modified grey wolf optimizer (MGWO) that can select optimal EEG channels to be used in (BCIs), the way that identifies main features and the immaterial ones from that dataset and the complexity to be removed. This allows (MGWO) to opt for optimal EEG channels as well as helping machine learning classification in its tasks when doing training to the classifier with the dataset. (MGWO), which imitates the grey wolves leadership and hunting manner nature and which consider metaheuristics swarm intelligence algorithms, is an integration with two modification to achieve the balance between exploration and exploitation the first modification applies exponential change for the number of iterations to increase search space accordingly exploitation, the second modification is the crossover operation that is used to increase the diversity of the population and enhance exploitation capability. Experimental results use four different EEG datasets BCI Competition IV- dataset 2a, BCI Competition IV- data set III, BCI Competition II data set III, and EEG Eye State from UCI Machine Learning Repository to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the (MGWO). A cross-validation method is used to measure the stability of the (MGWO).


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