
Chest radiography has a significant clinical utility in the medical imaging diagnosis, as it is one of the most basic examination tools. Pneumonia is a common infection that rapidly affects human lung areas. So, finding an advanced automated method to detect Pneumonia is assigned to be one of the most recent issues, which is still prohibitively expensive to mass adoption, especially in the developing countries. This article presents an innovative approach for distinguishing the residence of pneumonia by embedding computational techniques to chest x-rays images which eliminating the demands for single-image investigation and significantly decrease the total costs. Recent advances in deep learning achieved remarkable results in image classification on different domains; however, its application for Pneumonia diagnosis is still restricted. Hence, the main focus is to provide an investigation that will improve the research in this area, presenting a new proposal to the applications of pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as a stage of features extraction to detect this disease. Specifically, we propose to combine deep residual neural networks (ResNets), which extract the hierarchical features from the individual x-ray images with the boosting algorithm to select the salient features, and support vector machine for classification (AdaBoost-SVM). After conducting the performance analysis on the available dataset, we have concluded that the precision of the introduced scheme in Pneumonia classification is superior to the most concurrent approaches, resulting in a great improvement in clinical outcomes.


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